Given a non-zero positive integer, return its corresponding column title as appear in an Excel sheet.
For example:
1 -> A 2 -> B 3 -> C ... 26 -> Z 27 -> AA 28 -> AB
给定一个正整数,返回其在Excel表格中对应的列标题 ...
Given a non-zero positive integer, return its corresponding column title as appear in an Excel sheet.
For example:
1 -> A 2 -> B 3 -> C ... 26 -> Z 27 -> AA 28 -> AB
给定一个正整数,返回其在Excel表格中对应的列标题 ...
Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format.
If the fractional part is repeating, enclose the repeating part in parentheses.
For example,
Compare two version numbers version1 and version2.
If version1 > version2 return 1, if version1 < version2 return -1, otherwise return 0.
You may assume that the version strings are non-empty and contain only digits and the . character.
The ...