LeetCode 418. Sentence Screen Fitting
Given a rows x cols
screen and a sentence represented by a list of words, find how many times the given sentence can be fitted on the screen.
- A word cannot be split into two lines.
- The order of words in the sentence must remain unchanged.
- Two consecutive words in a line must be separated by a single space.
- Total words in the sentence won't exceed 100.
- Length of each word won't exceed 10.
- 1 ≤ rows, cols ≤ 20,000.
Example 1:
Input: rows = 2, cols = 8, sentence = ["hello", "world"] Output: 1 Explanation: hello--- world--- The character '-' signifies an empty space on the screen.
Example 2:
Input: rows = 3, cols = 6, sentence = ["a", "bcd", "e"] Output: 2 Explanation: a-bcd- e-a--- bcd-e- The character '-' signifies an empty space on the screen.
Example 3:
Input: rows = 4, cols = 5, sentence = ["I", "had", "apple", "pie"] Output: 1 Explanation: I-had apple pie-I had-- The character '-' signifies an empty space on the screen.
给定一个rows x cols屏幕与一列单词表示的句子,计算屏幕中可以展示多少次完整的句子。
- 单词不能拆成两行
- 单词在句子中的顺序不能调换
- 两个相邻单词之间必须有一个空格隔开
- 句子的总单词数不超过100
- 每个单词的长度不超过10
- 1 ≤ rows, cols ≤ 20,000.
由于rows和cols的规模可以达到20000,因此朴素的解法会超时(Time Limit Exceeded)
I-had apple pie-I had-- apple pie-I had-- apple
利用字典dp记录循环节的起始位置,具体记录方式为:dp[(pc, pw)] = pr, ans
以数对(pc, pw)为键,其中pw为单词在句子中出现时的下标,pc为单词出现在屏幕上的列数 以数对(pr, ans)为值,其中pr为单词出现在屏幕上的行数,ans为此时已经出现过的完整句子数
class Solution(object):
def wordsTyping(self, sentence, rows, cols):
:type sentence: List[str]
:type rows: int
:type cols: int
:rtype: int
wcount = len(sentence)
wlens = map(len, sentence)
slen = sum(wlens) + wcount
dp = dict()
pr = pc = pw = ans = 0
while pr < rows:
if (pc, pw) in dp:
pr0, ans0 = dp[(pc, pw)]
loop = (rows - pr0) / (pr - pr0 + 1)
ans = ans0 + loop * (ans - ans0)
pr = pr0 + loop * (pr - pr0)
dp[(pc, pw)] = pr, ans
scount = (cols - pc) / slen
ans += scount
pc += scount * slen + wlens[pw]
if pc <= cols:
pw += 1
pc += 1
if pw == wcount:
pw = 0
ans += 1
if pc >= cols:
pc = 0
pr += 1
return ans
为什么是(pr - pr0 + 1)
pr - pr0 + 1计算上一次出现时的行数pr0,与当前行pr之间一共包含多少行,包含边界