[LeetCode]Range Sum Query - Mutable


Given an integer array nums, find the sum of the elements between indices i and j (i ≤ j), inclusive.

The update(i, val) function modifies nums by updating the element at index i to val.


Given nums = [1, 3, 5]

sumRange(0, 2) -> 9
update(1, 2)
sumRange(0, 2) -> 8


  1. The array is only modifiable by the update function.
  2. You may assume the number of calls to update and sumRange function is distributed evenly.


给定一个整数数组nums,计算下标ij之间的元素和(i ≤ j),包含边界。

函数update(i, val)将位于下标i的元素值修改为val



  1. 数组只能通过update函数修改。
  2. 你可以假设update函数与sumRange函数的调用次数是均匀分布的。


解法I:线段树(Segment Tree)的基础应用



class NumArray(object):
    def __init__(self, nums):
        initialize your data structure here.
        :type nums: List[int]
        self.nums = nums
        self.size = size = len(nums)
        h = int(math.ceil(math.log(size, 2))) if size else 0
        maxSize = 2 ** (h + 1) - 1
        self.st = [0] * maxSize
        if size:
            self.initST(0, size - 1, 0)

    def update(self, i, val):
        :type i: int
        :type val: int
        :rtype: int
        if i < 0 or i >= self.size:
        diff = val - self.nums[i]
        self.nums[i] = val
        self.updateST(0, self.size - 1, i, diff, 0)

    def sumRange(self, i, j):
        sum of elements nums[i..j], inclusive.
        :type i: int
        :type j: int
        :rtype: int
        if i < 0 or j < 0 or i >= self.size or j >= self.size:
            return 0
        return self.sumRangeST(0, self.size - 1, i, j, 0)

    def initST(self, ss, se, si):
        if ss == se:
            self.st[si] = self.nums[ss]
            mid = (ss + se) / 2
            self.st[si] = self.initST(ss, mid, si * 2 + 1) + \
                          self.initST(mid + 1, se, si * 2 + 2)
        return self.st[si]

    def updateST(self, ss, se, i, diff, si):
        if i < ss or i > se:
        self.st[si] += diff
        if ss != se:
            mid = (ss + se) / 2
            self.updateST(ss, mid, i, diff, si * 2 + 1)
            self.updateST(mid + 1, se, i, diff, si * 2 + 2)

    def sumRangeST(self, ss, se, qs, qe, si):
        if qs <= ss and qe >= se:
            return self.st[si]
        if se < qs or ss > qe:
            return 0
        mid = (ss + se) / 2
        return self.sumRangeST(ss, mid, qs, qe, si * 2 + 1) + \
                self.sumRangeST(mid + 1, se, qs, qe, si * 2 + 2)

# Your NumArray object will be instantiated and called as such:
# numArray = NumArray(nums)
# numArray.sumRange(0, 1)
# numArray.update(1, 10)
# numArray.sumRange(1, 2)

解法II:树状数组(Binary Indexed Tree / Fenwick Tree)



class NumArray(object):
    def __init__(self, nums):
        initialize your data structure here.
        :type nums: List[int]
        self.sums = [0] * (len(nums) + 1)
        self.nums = nums
        self.n = len(nums)
        for i in xrange(len(nums)):
            self.add(i + 1,nums[i])

    def add(self,x,val):
        while x <= self.n:
            self.sums[x] += val
            x += self.lowbit(x)

    def lowbit(self,x):
        return x & -x

    def sum(self,x):
        res = 0
        while x > 0:
            res += self.sums[x]
            x -= self.lowbit(x)
        return res

    def update(self, i, val):
        :type i: int
        :type val: int
        :rtype: int
        self.add(i + 1, val - self.nums[i])
        self.nums[i] = val

    def sumRange(self, i, j):
        sum of elements nums[i..j], inclusive.
        :type i: int
        :type j: int
        :rtype: int
        if not self.nums:
            return  0
        return self.sum(j+1) - self.sum(i)

# Your NumArray object will be instantiated and called as such:
# numArray = NumArray(nums)
# numArray.sumRange(0, 1)
# numArray.update(1, 10)
# numArray.sumRange(1, 2)



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