生产者消费者问题是操作系统中典型的进程同步互斥问题,(英语:Producer-Consumer problem),也称有限缓冲问题(英语:Bounded-buffer problem),是一个多线程同步问题的经典案例。
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
const int limit = 30; //生产总量
const int maxsize = 10; //缓冲区大小
const int kind = 7; //水果的种类
int bufIdx = 0; //当前缓冲区下标
string buf[maxsize]; //缓冲区 (字符串)
string product[] = {"Apple","Banana","Cherry","Orange","Pear","Peach","WaterMelon"};
HANDLE mutex,full,empty; //互斥锁,占用信号量,空闲信号量
HANDLE disp; //用于控制屏幕打印的互斥锁
int ct,idx;
const int pwait = 100;
srand(time(NULL)); //随机数播种
WaitForSingleObject(disp, INFINITE);
cout << "Producer Start!" << endl << endl;
for (ct = 0; ct < limit; ct ++)
idx = rand() % kind;
WaitForSingleObject(disp, INFINITE);
cout << product[idx] << " is ready!" << endl << endl;
WaitForSingleObject(empty, INFINITE); //请求一个空缓冲区,阻塞
WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE); //请求互斥锁,阻塞
buf[bufIdx ++] = product[idx];
WaitForSingleObject(disp, INFINITE);
cout << product[idx] << " added to slot No. " << bufIdx << endl << endl;
ReleaseMutex(mutex); //释放互斥锁
ReleaseSemaphore (full, 1, NULL); //signal(full)
Sleep(rand() % pwait + 100); //休息一会
WaitForSingleObject(disp, INFINITE);
cout << "Producer Quit!" << endl << endl;
return 0;
int ct;
const int cwait = 300;
string stuff;
WaitForSingleObject(disp, INFINITE);
cout << "Consumer Start!" << endl << endl;
for (ct = 0; ct < limit; ct ++)
WaitForSingleObject(full, INFINITE); //请求一个满缓冲区,阻塞
WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE); //请求互斥锁,阻塞
stuff = buf[-- bufIdx];
WaitForSingleObject(disp, INFINITE);
cout << "Consumer get " << stuff << " from slot No. " << (bufIdx + 1) << endl << endl;
ReleaseMutex(mutex); //释放互斥锁
ReleaseSemaphore (empty, 1, NULL); //signal(empty)
Sleep(rand() % cwait + 100); //休息一会
WaitForSingleObject(disp, INFINITE);
cout << "Consumer Quit!" << endl << endl;
return 0;
int main()
DWORD ProducerID, ConsumerID;
HANDLE ProducerHandle, ConsumerHandle;
disp = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
ProducerHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Producer, NULL, 0, &ProducerID);
ConsumerHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Consumer, NULL, 0, &ConsumerID);
mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
full = CreateSemaphore (NULL, 0, maxsize, "full");
empty = CreateSemaphore (NULL, maxsize, maxsize, "empty");
if (ProducerHandle != NULL)
WaitForSingleObject(ProducerHandle, INFINITE);
if (ConsumerHandle != NULL)
WaitForSingleObject(ConsumerHandle, INFINITE);
Producer Start! Consumer Start! Cherry is ready! Cherry added to slot No. 1 Consumer get Cherry from slot No. 1 Orange is ready! Orange added to slot No. 1 Apple is ready! Apple added to slot No. 2 Consumer get Apple from slot No. 2 Cherry is ready! Cherry added to slot No. 2 WaterMelon is ready! WaterMelon added to slot No. 3 Consumer get WaterMelon from slot No. 3 Peach is ready! Peach added to slot No. 3 Consumer get Peach from slot No. 3 Banana is ready! Banana added to slot No. 3 Orange is ready! Orange added to slot No. 4 Consumer get Orange from slot No. 4 Pear is ready! Pear added to slot No. 4 Peach is ready! Peach added to slot No. 5 Consumer get Peach from slot No. 5 Consumer get Pear from slot No. 4 Cherry is ready! Cherry added to slot No. 4 WaterMelon is ready! WaterMelon added to slot No. 5 Consumer get WaterMelon from slot No. 5 Peach is ready! Peach added to slot No. 5 WaterMelon is ready! WaterMelon added to slot No. 6 Consumer get WaterMelon from slot No. 6 WaterMelon is ready! WaterMelon added to slot No. 6 Cherry is ready! Cherry added to slot No. 7 Consumer get Cherry from slot No. 7 Banana is ready! Banana added to slot No. 7 Orange is ready! Orange added to slot No. 8 Consumer get Orange from slot No. 8 Peach is ready! Peach added to slot No. 8 Consumer get Peach from slot No. 8 Orange is ready! Orange added to slot No. 8 Peach is ready! Peach added to slot No. 9 Consumer get Peach from slot No. 9 Orange is ready! Orange added to slot No. 9 WaterMelon is ready! WaterMelon added to slot No. 10 Consumer get WaterMelon from slot No. 10 Orange is ready! Orange added to slot No. 10 Apple is ready! Consumer get Orange from slot No. 10 Apple added to slot No. 10 Cherry is ready! Consumer get Apple from slot No. 10 Cherry added to slot No. 10 Consumer get Cherry from slot No. 10 Pear is ready! Pear added to slot No. 10 Consumer get Pear from slot No. 10 Orange is ready! Orange added to slot No. 10 Pear is ready! Consumer get Orange from slot No. 10 Pear added to slot No. 10 Banana is ready! Consumer get Pear from slot No. 10 Banana added to slot No. 10 Consumer get Banana from slot No. 10 Producer Quit! Consumer get Orange from slot No. 9 Consumer get Orange from slot No. 8 Consumer get Banana from slot No. 7 Consumer get WaterMelon from slot No. 6 Consumer get Peach from slot No. 5 Consumer get Cherry from slot No. 4 Consumer get Banana from slot No. 3 Consumer get Cherry from slot No. 2 Consumer get Orange from slot No. 1 Consumer Quit! 请按任意键继续. . .