LeetCode 420. Strong Password Checker
A password is considered strong if below conditions are all met:
- It has at least 6 characters and at most 20 characters.
- It must contain at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one digit.
- It must NOT contain three repeating characters in a row ("...aaa..." is weak, but "...aa...a..." is strong, assuming other conditions are met).
Write a function strongPasswordChecker(s), that takes a string s as input, and return the MINIMUM change required to make s a strong password. If s is already strong, return 0.
Insertion, deletion or replace of any one character are all considered as one change.
- 至少6个字符,至多20个字符。
- 必须至少包含一个小写字母,一个大写字母以及一个数字。
- 不可以包含3个重复的字符(假设其余条件均满足,"...aaa..."是弱密码, 但"...aa...a..."是强密码)。
贪心算法(Greedy Algorithm)
1. 替换字符,例如"aaaaa" -> "aabaa" 2. 删除字符,例如"aaaaa" -> "aa" 3. 新增字符,例如"aaaaa" -> "aababaa"
替换字符所需的改变次数 ≤ 新增字符所需的改变次数 ≤ 删除字符所需的改变次数
优先采用替换的方式处理重复字符(还可以顺便补足缺少的字符类型); 当字符总数不足6时,考虑采用新增字符的方式; 当字符总数超过20时才考虑采用删除字符的方式。
totalCnt:字符总数 typeCnt:有效字符类型数(小写、大写字母、数字各算一种) repeats:重复超过2次的字符的个数列表(例如字符串“aaabbcccdd0000”,对应repeats为:3, 3, 4)
若totalCnt < 6(低于最小字符数下限):
若连续字符数为5个:直接返回max(2, 3 - typeCnt) 否则,直接返回max(6 - totalCnt, 3 - typeCnt)
若totalCnt > 20(超过最大字符数上限):
删除多余字符,直到字符总数不大于20 需要删除的最小字符个数:deleteCnt = max(totalCnt - 20, 0) 删除字符时采用如下优先顺序: 1. 从重复次数是3的倍数的字符片段中删去1个字符,例如"aaa" -> "aa"(删去1个字符的同时,将替换字符的开销减1) 2. 从重复次数除3余1的字符片段中删去2个字符,例如"bbbb" -> "bb"(删去2个字符的同时,将替换字符的开销减1) 3. 从重复次数除3余2的字符片段中删去3个字符,例如"ccccc" -> "cc"(删去3个字符的同时,将替换字符的开销减1)
剩余重复字符的替换次数:changeCnt = sum(r / 3 for r in repeats)
最终结果为:deleteCnt + max(changeCnt, 3 - typeCnt)
class Solution(object):
def strongPasswordChecker(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: int
totalCnt = len(s)
lowers = [c for c in s if c.islower()]
uppers = [c for c in s if c.isupper()]
digits = [c for c in s if c.isdigit()]
typeCnt = bool(lowers) + bool(uppers) + bool(digits)
clist = []
li, lc = 0, (s[0] if s else None)
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if c != lc:
clist.append( (lc, li, i - 1) )
li, lc = i, c
clist.append((lc, li, totalCnt - 1))
repeats = [y - x + 1 for c, x, y in clist if y - x > 1]
if totalCnt < 6:
if max(repeats + [0]) == 5:
return max(2, 3 - typeCnt)
return max(6 - totalCnt, 3 - typeCnt)
deleteCnt = max(totalCnt - 20, 0)
heap = [(r % 3, r) for r in repeats]
while heap and totalCnt > 20:
mod, r = heapq.heappop(heap)
delta = min(mod + 1, totalCnt - 20)
totalCnt -= delta
heapq.heappush(heap, (2, r - delta))
changeCnt = sum(r / 3 for mod, r in heap)
return deleteCnt + max(changeCnt, 3 - typeCnt)