LeetCode 471. Encode String with Shortest Length
Given a non-empty string, encode the string such that its encoded length is the shortest.
The encoding rule is: k[encoded_string]
, where the encoded_string inside the square brackets is being repeated exactly k times.
- k will be a positive integer and encoded string will not be empty or have extra space.
- You may assume that the input string contains only lowercase English letters. The string's length is at most 160.
- If an encoding process does not make the string shorter, then do not encode it. If there are several solutions, return any of them is fine.
Example 1:
Input: "aaa" Output: "aaa" Explanation: There is no way to encode it such that it is shorter than the input string, so we do not encode it.
Example 2:
Input: "aaaaa" Output: "5[a]" Explanation: "5[a]" is shorter than "aaaaa" by 1 character.
Example 3:
Input: "aaaaaaaaaa" Output: "10[a]" Explanation: "a9[a]" or "9[a]a" are also valid solutions, both of them have the same length = 5, which is the same as "10[a]".
Example 4:
Input: "aabcaabcd" Output: "2[aabc]d" Explanation: "aabc" occurs twice, so one answer can be "2[aabc]d".
Example 5:
Input: "abbbabbbcabbbabbbc" Output: "2[2[abbb]c]" Explanation: "abbbabbbc" occurs twice, but "abbbabbbc" can also be encoded to "2[abbb]c", so one answer can be "2[2[abbb]c]".
编码规则为 k[encoded_string], 其中中括号内的字符串encoded_string 重复k次
- k是正整数,编码字符串不会为空或者包含额外的空白字符
- 你可以假设字符串只包含小写英文字母。字符串长度最多160
- 如果编码不能使字符串变短,就不要编码。如果答案不唯一,任意返回其一即可
利用字典dp记录字符串的最优编码串 枚举分隔点p, 将字符串拆解为left, right左右两部分 尝试将left调用solve函数进行编码压缩,并对right递归调用encode函数进行搜索 将left和right组合的最短字符串返回,并更新dp
class Solution(object):
def __init__(self):
self.dp = dict()
def encode(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: str
size = len(s)
if size <= 1: return s
if s in self.dp: return self.dp[s]
ans = s
for p in range(1, size + 1):
left, right = s[:p], s[p:]
t = self.solve(left) + self.encode(right)
if len(t) < len(ans): ans = t
self.dp[s] = ans
return ans
def solve(self, s):
ans = s
size = len(s)
for x in range(1, size / 2 + 1):
if size % x or s[:x] * (size / x) != s: continue
y = str(size / x) + '[' + self.encode(s[:x]) + ']'
if len(y) < len(ans): ans = y
return ans