[LeetCode]Range Module


LeetCode  715. Range Module

A Range Module is a module that tracks ranges of numbers. Your task is to design and implement the following interfaces in an efficient manner.

  • addRange(int left, int right) Adds the half-open interval [left, right), tracking every real number in that interval. Adding an interval that partially overlaps with currently tracked numbers should add any numbers in the interval [left, right) that are not already tracked.
  • queryRange(int left, int right) Returns true if and only if every real number in the interval [left, right) is currently being tracked.
  • removeRange(int left, int right) Stops tracking every real number currently being tracked in the interval [left, right).

Example 1:

addRange(10, 20): null
removeRange(14, 16): null
queryRange(10, 14): true (Every number in [10, 14) is being tracked)
queryRange(13, 15): false (Numbers like 14, 14.03, 14.17 in [13, 15) are not being tracked)
queryRange(16, 17): true (The number 16 in [16, 17) is still being tracked, despite the remove operation)


  • A half open interval [left, right) denotes all real numbers left <= x < right.
  • 0 < left < right < 10^9 in all calls to addRange, queryRange, removeRange.
  • The total number of calls to addRange in a single test case is at most 1000.
  • The total number of calls to queryRange in a single test case is at most 5000.
  • The total number of calls to removeRange in a single test case is at most 1000.



  • addRange(int left, int right) 添加区间[left, right)
  • queryRange(int left, int right)  判断[left, right)是否完全落在RangeModule涵盖的区间内
  • removeRange(int left, int right) 移除[left, right)




class RangeModule {

    final int MAX_VALUE = 100000001;
    class Range implements Comparable<Range>{
        int left, right;
        public Range(int left, int right) {
            this.left = left;
            this.right = right;
        public int compareTo(Range another) {
            if (left == another.left) {
                return right - another.right;
            return left - another.left;
        public String toString() {
            return "Range(" + left + "," + right + ")";
    private TreeSet<Range> ts;
    public RangeModule() {
        ts = new TreeSet<>();
    public void addRange(int left, int right) {
        int nleft = left, nright = right;
        Range high = new Range(right, MAX_VALUE);
        while (true) {
            Range r = ts.lower(high);
            if (r == null || r.right < left) break;
            if (r.right > right) {
                nright = r.right;
            if (r.left < left) {
                nleft = r.left;
        ts.add(new Range(nleft, nright));
    public boolean queryRange(int left, int right) {
        Range target = ts.floor(new Range(left, MAX_VALUE));
        return target != null && target.left <= left && target.right >= right;
    public void removeRange(int left, int right) {
        Range high = new Range(right, right);
        while (true) {
            Range r = ts.lower(high);
            if (r == null || r.right <= left) break;
            if (r.right > right) {
                ts.add(new Range(right, r.right));
            if (r.left < left) {
                ts.add(new Range(r.left, left));

 * Your RangeModule object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * RangeModule obj = new RangeModule();
 * obj.addRange(left,right);
 * boolean param_2 = obj.queryRange(left,right);
 * obj.removeRange(left,right);



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