科学可视化 vs. 信息可视化

Abstract (摘要)

While Scientific Visualization techniques are used for the clarification of well-known phenomena, Information Visualization techniques are used for searching for interesting phenomena. There are therefore important differences between the two fields of research. The two fields of research are compared, but since this paper is meant for Scientific Visualization researchers focus will be on explaining Information Visualization techniques. This paper list the main characteristics of the two fields of research, describes common Information Visualization techniques and discusses differences and similarities in the software that commonly is used in the two fields of research.


1. Introduction (引言)

Some researchers mainly use visualization for finding interesting phenomenon in completely unknown data, whiles others use visualization for the confirmation or rejection of hypotheses. These two scientific communities live separate lives, with very little sharing of knowledge between them. While there naturally are important differences between the two kinds of visualization, it is the hypothesis of this paper that an understanding of both of these two ways of using visualization potentially could lead to new ways of visualizing data for the benefit of both communities. This article therefore contains a summarization of the most important and irreconcilably differences between the ways of thinking. However, since this article is presented at a Scientific Visualization symposium, the focus will here be on Information Visualization ideas and techniques.


2. Principal Differences (主要差异)

Card et al. [1] defines the two forms of visualization as:


  • Scientific Visualization: the use of interactive visual representations of scientific data, typically physically based, to amplify cognition.
  • Information Visualization: the use of interactive visual representations of abstract, non-physically based data to amplify cognition.
  • 科学可视化:(通常是基于物理的)科学数据的交互式视觉呈现以加强认知
  • 信息可视化:抽象的,基于非物理数据的交互式视觉呈现以加强认知

While Scientific Visualization covers accurate visualizations of the real world, Information Visualization covers visualization of concepts that often are abstract in nature. The purpose of Information Visualization is to make it possible for analysts of data to obtain internal mental models of the information content in datasets;models which subsequently can be used for characterization, prediction, and/or decision making.


Keim et al. [2] classifies visualizations into the categories:


  • Exploratory Analysis: the search for hypotheses
  • Confirmatory Analysis: the confirmation or rejection of hypotheses
  • Presentation: the presentation of facts that are fixed a priori
  • 探索性分析:对于假说的探寻
  • 验证性分析:对于假说的证明或者推翻
  • 展现:先验事实的展现

2.1 Information Visualization and Exploratory Analysis (信息可视化和探索性分析)

This example is completely imaginary.


A grocery store sells Feta-cheese for use in salads. It notices that it is losing money on this product and therefore decides to stop selling it. However, after having stopped selling this product, the grocery store notices that it now loses far more money than it did before. The reason for this is that the few customers who bought this product were wealthy and also bought many other products at the grocery store. When the store stopped selling the product, the customers went to other stores where they could buy it and, at the same time, purchased all other products they needed there.


The grocery store has modern cash-registers and records all purchases in a large database, so the information about the customers’ purchase patterns were, in principle, available before the store made the erroneous decision of stopping to sell Feta-cheese. An Information Visualization analyst studying the grocery store’s database, in the state that it was before the erroneous decision was made, should by performing an Exploratory Analysis, in principle, have been able to foresee this, without having been told anything about the data in advance.


2.2 Scientific Visualization and Confirmatory Analysis (科学可视化和验证性分析)

This example is from the IEEE Visualization 2006 conference, where a visualization contest will take place. The subject of the contest is the TeraShake 2.1 earthquake simulation data set and the task is, through visualizations, to answer five questions, such as ”Which regions produce wave reflections?”. There is thus, in this case, a clear hypothesis that some of the regions will produce wave reflections and this hypothesis must either be rejected or confirmed by finding these regions. Using the terminology of Keim, the task is therefore to perform a “Confirmatory Analysis” of the data.

这个例子来源于IEEE可视化会议2006,会议举行了可视化竞赛。竞赛的主题是TeraShake 2.1地震模拟数据集,任务是通过可视化回答5个问题,例如“哪个区域产生了波反射?”因而在此例中,一个清楚的假设是一些区域会产生波反射,并且通过探寻这些区域该假设或证实或推翻。使用Keim的术语,该任务实在执行数据的“验证性分析”。

3 Common Visual Data Exploration Techniques (常见的视觉数据探索技术)

In the following is listed a few examples of the techniques that are used in Information Visualization to explore datasets that initially are completely unknown.


3.1 Icons and Glyphs (图标和字形)

Markers are featureless objects for representing positions in scatter plots, but multiple, clearly distinguishable markers are sometimes used in one and the same scatter plot to visualize important information. While markers usually only have positional attributes, there are objects that are designed to represent many pieces of information simultaneously. Such objects are called icons or glyphs ([3,4]) and have attributes, such as position, size, shape, color, and orientation, to which data is mapped. The hope is that users, by visual exploration, may be able to find patterns among the objects.

标记是表示散点图上位置的无特征对象,但是多重的,可以清楚区分的标记有时在同一张散点图上对重要的信息进行可视化。标记同行只有位置属性,而有一些对象被设计用来同时表示许多条信息。这样的对象成为图标或者字形 ([3,4]),并且拥有诸如位置、尺寸、形状、颜色和方向等属性,数据被映射在这些属性中。目的在于用户通过可视化探索,也许可以从这些对象中发现模式。

3.2 Brushing & Linking (关联更新技术)

Brushing & Linking is a widely-used visual data exploration technique, with which multiple different visualizations of a dataset are viewed simultaneously. This technique is often used to combine the advantages of multiple forms of data visualization techniques, but can also be used to e.g. allow simultaneously brushing of markers in multiple scatter plots, organized in a scatter plot matrix. The advantage is that the interaction involved is both unambiguous and simple to perform and therefore seem familiar and natural to most human beings. In the beginning of a visual data exploration process, all markers have a common color. The process consist of


  • Selecting one of multiple views.
  • Brushing selected markers in this view with a color.
  • Inspecting the other (linked) views to see the effect
  • 从多个视图中选一个
  • 将视图中的标记着色
  • 检查其他视图看看效果

3.3 The Grand Tour (总览)

In “The Grand Tour” technique [5–7] high-dimensional data are considered as forming a shape in a high-dimensional space. and the method therefore consists of moving a 2D or 3D “window” around this shape, so that a low-dimensional projection of it becomes visible. Significant features of the high-dimensional shape may thereby become distinguishable, and, if one is lucky, one may even be able to guess what kind of high-dimensional shape the data form.

在总览技术中 [5–7]高维度数据被视为存在于高维空间中的图形,因而此方法包含在形状中移动一个2维或者3维的窗口,以至于其低维度投影变得视觉可见。高维度形状的有意义的特征因此可以观测得到,并且如果足够幸运,甚至还能够以此猜测数据形成的是什么样的高维度形状。

This technique is often combined with “Brushing & Linking”, so that subsets of the markers at any time may be brushed with a color to make them distinguishable from the other markers.


4 Software (软件)

There are also differences in the software that typically is used for Scientific Visualization and Information Visualization. Consider for example the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) [8], which is an open source visualization system that dates back to 1993. It was designed to be robust, understandable, extensible, modular and maintainable. For that purpose, it offers scientists a consistent object-oriented programming model that in 1993 was considered sophisticated, where visualizations are created by linking together a series of objects into a pipeline.


Seen from an Information Visualization perspective, it is clear problem that the visualization pipeline is designed to be “single-pass”, where only the resulting visualizations can be interacted with and where interaction usually is limited to rotating the visualization. Information Visualization techniques, such as Brushing and Linking require continuous interaction with the a database containing the original dataset. This requirement is not listed above, which makes VTK unsuitable for Information Visualization.


However,many Scientific Visualization analysts study “ Computational Steering,” with which feedback can be given to running simulations, based on visualizations of early results from the simulations. The requirements for these kinds of software therefore approach the requirements that Information Visualization scientists place on the software they use.


5 Conclusion (结论)

This paper presented Scientific Visualization and Information Visualization with emphasis on the latter. It describe a number of Information Visualization visual data exploration techniques and finally compared the requirements for the software used in both disciplines.


References (引用文献)

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4. Pickett, R. M., Grinstein, G.: Iconographic Displays for Visualizing Multidimen- sional Data Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Systems, (1988) 514–519
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8. Schroeder, W.J., Martin, K., Loresen, W.: The visualization Toolkit: An Object Oriented Approach to Computer Graphics, Third Edition Kitware, Inc. (2004)


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